Friday, 10 August 2012


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Friday, 13 April 2012


Pete spotted these this morning - in the Lee just south of chalk bridge.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

By the pond! Kestrel isn't it?

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Ring Ouzel

Met some birders who were on the resevoir south of east marsh who said there was a Ring Ouzel in the trees on east marsh. I never managed to see it. Though did see the first Sand Martins of the year.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

April quiz birds

Sorry for mis-spelling blackcaps! Dave Chap wes Febs quiz winner and Pete was March's. Clever folk. So here's another with 2 birds. Cheers


Arrived last Thursday, sorry meant to post earlier.


I was watching a young heron who had been keeping perfectly still - which was surprising as my friend was passing close by with a dog. When...

Monday, 26 March 2012

Chiffchaff's arrived on Sunday

Suddenly heard loads round the marsh
and the shelducks that have been teasing me all weekAnd I think this is a Redwing - is it?

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

March Quiz bird

Can't make out this

Think you can just make out Peri is ringed
Pretty song thrush

Saturday, 25 February 2012


Here is a fine photo from David Cottridge of one of our, hopefully, resident peregrines. Taken on Thursday from atop the gasometer.


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

This Months Quiz Bird

Come on you sages!
The legendary ghost starling of old tottingham!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Peregrine on gas holder

Sunday morning 12 Feb. Sorry it's a little soft was right at the end of the lens and on top of the gasholder.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Having managed to scare off most of the marshes birds by dropping my step down rings onto the metal grid of the green bridge (I was trying to spot the red breasted merganser that Pete had mentioned) I managed to get a shot of what I take to be a Goosander which has been north of the green bridge for a while. Also got sight of a water rail further down river towards the moorings. On the Sunday after the snow a startling thing happened! Because there was no traffic noise I found out that the birds visiting my feeder actually make quite a lot of wing noise! It was really amazing to 'hear' Great tits and Blue tits fly in and out! Dermot

Monday, 30 January 2012


Pete Lambert wrote today:

Over the last few days there have been daily sightings of an adult peregrine perched on the top of the gasometer at the NW of the West Marsh.  Now Michael has sent me a text saying there were two peregrines there today  This raises the possibility once again of peregrines trying to breed locally.  Please do keep a lookout for peregrine on the gasometer.  If people want to send me details of their sightings, I'm happy to collate them and circulate.  This is the gasometer on which a pair of kestrels fledged young in 2011 and 2010, so maybe competition!

Does anyone know who owns the gasometer?  Centrica? LB of Enfield or Haringey?


Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Latest Sightings

Pete Lambert wrote today:

Started well with a single Redwing calling in the trees at the north of East Marsh which was my first record in 2012 here, as well as four Fieldfare calling from these trees.  Possibly all these had been roosting overnight, as I didn't see them as I returned through the area going home.  2 Greylag Geese west over here too. Goosander briefly over NE from Lockwood Reservoir plus a second bird that might have been a Merganser or Goosander.  Met Terry here and both saw little Egret fly NW from Res.  Terry also saw Reed Bunting here which I missed.  Little Grebe in channel north of Green Bridge plus Teal and Tufted Ducks.  Rest of Marshes generally quiet, male Reed Bunting at Stinebridge Wood, just one Grey Wagtail in Pymmes Brook from Cetti Bridge and Chiffchaff plus Goldcrest near Gasometer.  Female Goosander in channel by Banbury Res (just east of East Bridge).  On Banbury Res (no access to public) Red-breasted Merganser, four Goosander.  Counted 15 different Song Thrushes singing as I walked round Marshes between 8am and 10.15. 


Thursday, 19 January 2012

Latest Sightings -Tuesday, 17th January

Pete Lambert wrote on Tuesday.
A very cold morning when I started out at 7.40am.  Started well when I caught up with the female Red-breasted Merganser that Terry and Kevin have both seen recently.  It flew up (with 2 male Goosander) from the channel that runs west of the Banbury Res but was south of the path there, so inside Walthamstow Res.  Didn't see it close but from Terry and Kevin's description it does have the distinctive dark patches round the eyes so is the "usual" bird.  This has been returning every winter since at least 24 Dec 2005.  But it may have been coming here longer than that.

Very cold with most of the Lee Navigation frozen, so not many birds on that, but Teal and Tufted Duck in the channels.  Probably two Water Rails, as I saw one just east of Stonebridge Lock at 8.30 and then one at the Green Bridge at 10am (thanks to Terry who had seen this one earlier). As I walked on to Stonebridge Wood, a large falcon flew NW over my head.  When I got to the NW of the West Marsh there was an adult Peregrine sitting on the Gasometer, which I presume was this bird.  it flew off NE.

Had a shouting conversation across the Lee Navigation with Terry - he'd seen a couple of groups of Fieldfare that I didn't see (27 in total?).

When I left at 10.30, the Red-breasted Merganser was asleep on the west edge of the Banbury Res with four Goosander.  A Lapwing flew south over Banbury and then Walthamstow Res as I left.


Saturday, 14 January 2012

Long tailed tit

On East Marsh in December - they are so cute!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Can't make out what this is

Hi all, this was by the green bridge on the 11th. Can't find what it might be. Nothing unusual there then!

Latest sightings

Pete Lambert wrote yesterday:

Just walked round the East Marsh this morning where I was very surprised to disturb five Bullfinch!  They were along the channel near the Green Bridge, flew up to the top of a tree south of the bridge and then went off south.  Don't recollect seeing as many as this before ever.  Also 2 Redpoll drinking from a puddle at the track between the two bridges, 3 Fieldfare over NW calling, a Shelduck south amd the Water Rail scurrying about just SW of Green Bridge.  Didn't meet up with the Whitethroat this morning but Kevin reported it from inside the Reservoir soon after 9am.


Monday, 9 January 2012

November 2011 Bird Survey Results

[Note - To view larger versions of images: Right Click on an image and choose Open Link in New Window,
then you can Left Click to get a magnified image]

I haven't any info to add about the November Survey as instead of going to Tottenham Marshes, I set off for Norfolk at 4am! I'm told it was pretty quiet on the bird front on the Marshes (unlike the 'Snettisham Spectacular' where thousands of Pink-footed geese and waders were fairly vocal as the sun rose).

Sunday, 8 January 2012

More winter whitethroat news

Pete Lamber wrote today:

 Terry relocated the Whitethroat this morning on the footpath east of Walthamstow Res at 1030 today.  The footpath runs from Blackhorse Lane just north of Lockwood Way.  If you come in there and walk along the footpath, on the right hand side you reach some allotments.  The bird was on the left hand side of the path there.  I saw it at 1215pm for a while.  It was feeding on the grass mostly and sometimes hopping up into vegetation.  It flew into the allotments as I got nearer.  The bill and legs all look right for a Common Whitethroat and it does look about the right size for this.  An odd feature is that the underside of the tail is pale with a dark tip.  I don't remember seeing this on Common Whitethroats, but can't say I've ever noticed the undertail.  Still no calls from the bird. 


Thursday, 5 January 2012

Winter Whitethroat?

Pete Lambert wrote yesterday:
On my way to Tottenham Marshes this morning at 9am I had a brief view of what looked like a (Common) Whitethroat.  It was just south of Banbury Reservoir along the footpath that runs south from there by the houses, coming out on Blackhorse Lane E17 (just north of Lockwood Way).  It appeared on a patch of brambles just opposite 33 Waterhall Close.  As it came up about 10m in front of me, I could see it had an obvious white throat.  When I got my bins on it there was a clearly red-brown area on the upperparts like a Whitethroat.  No obvious dark mask (like Lesser Whitethroat).  Didn't have time to check bare parts before the bird moved down into the brambles towards the fence for Walthamstow Res.  Although I stood still for a while and then walked up and down here I couldn't relocate the bird.

I looked again in the area with Terry at about 1120am but no joy.  No calls heard.

There are extensive bramble patches just north of this,inside the Reservoir, just east of the channel going to Banbury Res where it could be lurking.  This is also close to where the Dusky Warbler was the other year.

Terry on his way back west saw Bullfinch and Buzzard at East Marsh.



Teal @ Pymmes Brook

Hi, Pete and I weren't sure if we could see Teal in Pymmes - I went back the following day with a longer lens and got a pic.
Friends of Tottenham Marshes